Tuesday 12 June 2012

repeated history

it's been almost two weeks since i started my first ever job at a 7-eleven store near my home.the working environment is kinda fun and none stressful.all the staff is really nice and i feel relatively close to them.

long story short,last two days there's this one guy,one of the staff member which one year younger than me cause a havoc within our staff members.he was suppose to work at night shift which he did came.but an hour and a half after that he just walk out the store leaving behind all his stuff and his motorcycle.he did that after his girlfriend which also one of our staff member just went home after the end of the noon shift.and i was also worked at the noon shift that day.but i went home earlier than her.

no obvious reason for his action cause he never contact any of us even the boss.except for his girlfriend of course.and a rumor says that one of the few reason is me.in reference to the rumor,he get jealous of me being close to that girl,which is by the way the same age as him.i'm just being me,a nice person trying to be a decent friend to everyone.maybe he thought differently or maybe he's just an overly control boyfriend.

a similar situation i've encountered during high school but the only different is i never knew the boyfriend.one day,the boyfriend saw me and my friend which is his girlfriend walking together.i've known her since standard one.i consider her as one of my closest friend so,in my point of view,he's just being ridiculous to be jealous of me.and at the of the day,they broke up.what do you think that make me feel?a relationship wrecker?

but for this current situation,the boy and the girl is still a couple.except that i think that the boy will never come back to store cause a recent rumor i've heard is that he already found a job nearby.after all,i think they're gonna get married.a rather interesting story of how they met each other.the boy's mother ask the girl to work at the store cause i think the mother like the girl and would like them to be together.it is supported strongly by an incident occur at the store a couple of days before the boy started this drama which i don't think i should tell.cause it involve the mother.oops

in my opinion,this kind of dude really does not own self-esteem.he's not confident of himself that their relationship gonna last long and he do not trust his girlfriend to be around with other guys.i just think you're a loser.really,i thought we're friends.you are the first person i met and the first friend that i make the first time i set foot inside that store as a worker.this whole situation really upsetting me.a none proud history of mine repeated itself.