Sunday 6 May 2012


and then comes the semester break.but technically,i don't have that break cause i joined KAKOM.basically it's an annual sports week for matriculation.every athlete from matriculation all over Malaysia gather at a host college every year for a whole week.and this year,my beloved Selangor Matriculation College have the honor of being the you remember 'harry potter and the goblet of fire' where three champions from three school compete with each other to pursue eternal glory? this is nothing like that.we don't have death defying games..and nobody die.  

i'm not an athlete if you wonder.i joined it cause i'm in the choir club and we need to perform during the game.the singing part is fine for me,but the make up is just too much.they want us to be as white as snow white i think.they powder us heavily and some lips have never felt so sticky.but the dancers make up is much more vibrant than us.with all that rosy blusher,painted side burns and that heavy mascara.i couldn't different out the boys and the girls if they only wear t-shirt and jeans.i wonder how they wash it off.

that is shaun,my roommate beside me 

it is the best week i've ever had throughout the's like the olympic where suddenly you become proud to be a part of your college,cheer for them,hope for the best and perhaps win the's an amazing sight to see my college full with people from different backgrounds and colleges and we all are placed in the same place.i'm just out of words to describe me,it's massive! it's like a mini Sea Games.

a lot of sports are being held throughout that beautifully hot week.yes..the weather is tormenting.everyone got sun burned and i even got sick two days before the game end.some of that sport are badminton,squash,tennis and many name it.and most of it are won by our cousin from Labuan Matriculation.they are what they are 'simply the best'.every morning i woke up with their voice singing their college song proudly cause every morning they gather at the terrain beside my room.

but the night that i love the most is the traditional dance is so amazing to see different style of dances and those beautiful costumes.and there is this one group that just scares me.their dance is like they calling a spirit of some sort.and after they've step down from the stage,a dancer got possessed..seriously! i don't know what happened to her though.

watching the dance.sorry for the over exposure of light.that's me,awi and ayu

with one of the mascot.where are you from again kitty? that's me,fasihah,suhaniz,herny,ayu,azmira and idin

hang out at the night market..inside the college compound! 

end of KAKOM.that's dzul,athirah and me

although my college doesn't listed as the top five,but i'm still proud of you guys! you've done your best and that's all what matters.

and then that 'feeling' sparked in my heart..