Saturday 26 May 2012

just a holy fool

i have problems.everybody have their own problems.but i only care about mine.sometimes i hate.sometimes i love.that is what we call feeling.which some people don't have.we need to let all that hatred,the negative feelings out.cause it is not healthy to keep it to your own and not express it.mad when you hate.cry when you sad.laugh when you're's human nature.if you keep that negative feelings in,it will only do damage to yourself.that feeling will become a virus that will consume you from the will act as a dark seed within and it will become a plant that will spread a negative spore and spread to your whole body.and when it does you will explode.

and that is why i think that it is important for everyone to have their own medium to let these expression can be a diary,a best friend and sometimes even the gym.but for me,my medium is tumblr.i express all my feelings there (negative feelings mainly).i think it's okay cause right now,i only have 2 followers.and i do it publicly cause i want that particular person that i'm referring to might someday,somehow read it.

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