Wednesday 10 October 2012

tears that fall

we are asked to make a profile video about ourselves for the IT's like what normal new students do,to introduce ourselves to the whole class.but rather than talking,it is in a form of a video.and so i did,with all my effort..not that much of an effort because i have a software that help me to organize the photos that i'm gonna use for my video is more like a picture slide of myself,family and friends.

i've stayed in this campus for almost 2 month without returning back home even for a home is a million miles away,so it's not logical to went back just for the weekends.throughout the days i'm here,i am deeply,most sincere in my heart missing all of my friends and especially my dearest classmates of matriculation college,SM1K2P1.i've never thought of being or feeling so attach to each and everyone of's like i've known them forever although the truth is i've only known them for less than a year.

and so the video has finish and yesterday i had showed it to the whole first it was nothing,but when the video had ended,i felt something that i've never in my life had ever feel before.a feeling of sadness.a feeling that i've lost them,my dearest classmates,that i will never gonna meet them in the future.but i ignore that feeling and continue my day normally.

it have been a routine for me,Awi and Haziq to go to the library..more specifically the television section every night to revise our lesson.and yesterday,while we're at it,there's a frickin' rat storming from underneath one of the couch to another.luckily we're all survived that tragedy.then the library is closing,so we went back to our hostels.but as i walk to my hostel,that feeling that i've felt earlier grip me to the bones.i manage to,again ignore that feeling.

i arrived at my room,getting ready for sleep.i lie down on my bed,and instantly that feeling reign over me.i just can't help it.i listen to songs to help me ignore it.but i failed.the feeling of sadness and longing is overwhelming.tears fall on my cheek.i take a deep breath to resist but yet again i failed.i storm out of my room,descend to the ground floor and head straight to a little gazebo beside the hostel.

alone,in the dark, i cried.i cried like i've never cried before.i cried as if i've lost my friends is really confusing for me to cry like that with no apparent reason.i text Awi,and she called.i cried on the phone telling her that i don't understand why am i crying.she said that maybe i am too homesick.but the whole time i was crying,it's not my parents that i think of,it's my college's classmates.which is very i really misses them that much?i guess i do.

to my dearest SM1K2P1 and all of my friends,please know that i am the kind of person that just immensely love each and everyone of you.i miss all the time i had during matriculation.the fun and joy that we had together.i didn't feel that same joy here in university as i did with you guys.i wish all the best in whatever field that you're pursuing.i'm gonna miss all of you now and forever.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

my profile video

this video was entirely made by me but not for fun.i made it because my entire class are needed to make a video about's like rather than go to the front of class and introduce ourselves but in a video version.

so of course my video contain a little something about my family,friends and journey of life from primary school,sk desa pandan,secondary school,smk cochrane perkasa and my lovely,most loving and cherish,selangor matriculation college..shout out to my ex-classmates SM1K2P1! love you guys to death!